In the following you will find various tips and advice on love balls. First, you’ll find a kind of tutorial on are anal beads safe, how to use love balls, then ask questions such as “do others notice which ones I wear” or “which materials are there and with which love balls do I start?” Finally, special features for the use of love balls are made clear.
How to use love balls
When you have found the right size for yourself, you should be aware that love balls only act on movement. It is best to insert the balls before the walk or whenever they are moving.
Most love balls consist of 2-3 balls. In all spheres are small weights, which are vibrated by the movement, which are then transferred to the female body. The latest developments of love balls have instead of the small weights, small light vibrators in order to enhance the stimulation. At one end of the love balls is a thread, which is reminiscent of a tampon. With this thread you can pull the love balls out of their vagina after stimulation. Insert the love balls like a tampon.
Once you’ve inserted the love balls into your vagina and pushed them towards your cervix, you’ll notice if the balls are sitting properly when they no longer feel the balls. If you are afraid of pain during insertion, use some lubrication, this usually works wonders. However, you should refrain from silicone-based lubricants as silicone is not broken down by the body. A step-by-step guide by can also help.
Does anyone notice that one wears them?
Good love balls are not heard, with very cheap love balls one hears the weights swinging back and forth, and other people do not notice it when they wear them themselves. That’s because the stimulation of the love balls are not enough for an orgasm alone. In addition, many women do not notice the balls when they are worn and therefore wear them while shopping, swimming or at work. There are stories about anal beads being used just about anywhere.
Which materials are available and what are the advantages of the individual materials?
At the beginning, love balls were made of wood or metal, later plastic, glass and silicone were added as materials. Most popular are balls of silicone followed by balls of metal. Sometimes there are also love balls in which there are 2 balls of silicone and one of metal.
Which material is best for you?
Plastic: Plastic love balls have the advantage of increasing stimulation. Often plastic love balls are also sold in conjunction with other materials. Glass: Glass balls are always sold in conjunction with other materials. If you’re interested, you can check a collection of glass anal toys at Loveplugs. Through their surface, these love balls can be easily inserted. Unfortunately, you break faster than other love balls. All in all, you should try out which material you can cope with best and which love balls you feel most comfortable with.
Which one do you start with?
Depending on why you wear the balls, there are different sizes. If you want to wear the balls to train your pelvic floor muscles, the balls should be loose so that the balls can slowly slide down when you stand. They will automatically tighten their pelvic floor muscles and thus prevent the balls from slipping out and being pushed up a bit. Only when the alternation between relaxation, tension and push is given, the training is effective. Depending on your muscles, you can order larger balls after a while. If you want to use the love balls as a sex toy, the balls should be big enough to stretch your vagina. In either case, you can either order test packages or talk to your gynecologist to find the right size for you.
Is there something to consider when wearing love balls?
If one considers the period in which one should wear the love balls, there is nothing to notice. Some women wear their love balls throughout the day. However, it is advisable to read the enclosed instructions of love balls, as some manufacturers have tested to what period their love balls are the most effective. Also, you should not overdo it in the beginning with the training, because here as with any other muscle soreness can occur.
After use, you should make sure that the love balls are always thoroughly cleaned, since the stimulation can cause a lot of discharge. Depending on how firmly the balls sit, the discharge can get into the underwear. Here experts recommend wearing panty liners. Otherwise, the discharge collects behind the love balls and then flows off only after removing the love balls. In addition, anal beads, or love balls were in the anus of a human being, not be reintroduced into the vagina, even if you have cleaned them.
When should I not wear love balls?
You should not wear love balls only if you have recently had an operation in the vaginal area, such as a rupture of the perineum. Also, you should avoid using love balls if you have an infection or if you have skin irritation in this area.
How should I clean my love balls?
Your love balls should be cleaned after each use. Some balls you can simply put in the washing machine, because they are heat resistant and waterproof. If you can do that with your love balls, please refer to the manual of your love balls. If your love balls are not machine washable, you can clean their love balls with warm water and some shampoo or dishwashing detergent.
What are the differences to anal beads and what do I have to consider?
Anal beads were developed for stimulation by the anus. In heterosexual couples, the balls can be inserted into the anus during coitus for additional stimulation. Here, the orgasm should be strengthened or extended, if the anal beads are removed during orgasm. In homosexual couples, the anal beads are similar to love balls in the woman to stimulate and train the pelvic floor muscles.
At the end an insider tips for women: A round on the ship’s swing, the chain carousel or the roller coaster remains unforgettable with love balls in the scabbard.
Love balls are a popular tool to increase the anticipation of a climax significantly. The often long-lasting irritation of the entire abdomen is sensitive. The orgasm is perceived much more intense and usually sets in noticeably faster.
Due to the easy handling love balls are very popular. They expand human sexuality and increase the enjoyment of sex immensely. They are easy to clean and practically indestructible.
Anyone who has come to orgasm after using love balls will not forget it and honor the simple helpers. A wide selection is to find. There, a variety of love balls can be ordered quickly and discreetly.